
Nonprofit Charters and Constitutions

Nonprofit Charters and Constitutions

A corporation’s governing documents are fundamental to how the organization operates. In most states, a nonprofit corporation’s foundational documents generally include Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Though, states differ in verbiage. 

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Directors vs. Trustees

Directors vs. Trustees of a Nonprofit

The group of individuals charged with the governance of nonprofits are often referred to interchangeably as directors or trustees. These terms are similar in that they both refer to the group of individuals who have a fiduciary duty to oversee the nonprofit organization. However, from a legal perspective, there are important distinctions.

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is it time for a legal audit?
Contracts, Waivers, and Releases

Is It Time for a Legal Audit?

A legal audit is an overview of an organization’s non-financial compliance, governance and risk management issues. Organizations typically consider a legal audit when new management takes over and wants to ensure they are starting with a clean slate or the in the wake of a costly mistake.

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Business faq and education concept

Nonprofit Bylaws – What to Include and What to Leave Out

It is important to take a thoughtful approach when drafting or revising bylaws. Boards and board committees sometimes spend months or even years trying to draft the perfect set of bylaws . Too often, they look to bylaws of other nonprofit organizations or samples gleaned from the Internet with no regard to whether the bylaws match the structure and style of the organization or comply with state and federal law. Unfortunately, this approach usually leads to confusion, delay, and conflict on the board. The better practice is to work with a knowledgeable attorney from the beginning, starting with a compliant template, and tailoring it to the needs of your organization.

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Who owns a nonprofit?

Who Owns a Nonprofit Corporation?

Let’s be clear about one thing. No one owns a nonprofit corporation.[1]

While there is no outright ownership, there is control. One of the fundamental questions I ask when forming a new nonprofit corporation is how board members will be selected. This is a key question because those who hold the power to select board members retain the ultimate authority over the corporation.

The possibilities are limited by the nonprofit corporation statute in the state where the corporation is domiciled.

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Taking Over an Existing Nonprofit
Starting a nonprofit

Taking Over An Existing Nonprofit

Often prospective clients call us wanting to know whether we know of any dormant nonprofits that are going out of business that they could take over. The idea is that taking over an existing entity avoids the hassle and expense of incorporation, creating a governance structure and obtaining tax-exempt status for a brand new entity. Presumably, a new board of directors would be substituted in place of the old board and new officers would be elected.

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How Do I Write Non-Profit Bylaws?

When setting up a non-profit organization, many people overlook the importance of drafting nonprofit bylaws that are customized to the organization’s unique needs. As the

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DIY Nonprofit Law
Starting a nonprofit

DIY Nonprofit Law – Top Five Mistakes

The state form does not include the tax provisions that the IRS requires tax-exempt organizations to have. Would be founders that file using the state’s form Articles of Incorporation without including an attachment with the appropriate tax provisions will end up with a taxable nonprofit – a result almost no one intends.

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How to Start a Non-Profit Organization

Download our free guide to learn about the many elements needed to run a successful nonprofit organization, as well as how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.