FAQ: Tax Compliance Before Receiving Your Determination Letter
This blog will answer five common questions we get regarding what can and should be done by an exempt organization before receiving its determination letter.
This blog will answer five common questions we get regarding what can and should be done by an exempt organization before receiving its determination letter.
simple change in Arizona law would sync the state and federal information return processes, allowing a more simplified filing for small Arizona nonprofits with gross income between $25,000 and $50,000. The purpose of the recent change in federal requirements was to ease the burden of the annual filing for small nonprofits. To reconcile Arizona law with the Federal law, the Arizona legislature need only amend ARS §43-1242 C. 1 to read as follows:
Need not file it if its gross income does not exceed fifty thousand dollars.
Most states require you to register your organization if you solicit donations from their residents. Many states also require registration if your organization collects substantial or ongoing donations from their residents, even if you aren’t specifically targeting donors in that state. Download our comprehensive list of each state’s requirements.
Download our free guide to learn about the many elements needed to run a successful nonprofit organization, as well as how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.